Our disruptive digital strategy made an online-centric clinic into a fast-growing business.

Care on Call is a modernized, trusted homecare service provider started in Dubai. They wanted to popularize their brand and disrupt the industry with their unique home care consultations and doorstep service for almost all medical needs. We shook hands for running a campaign with Google Ads and SEO tools. We overtook the expectations quickly with the customized and continuously tested digital marketing strategy. 


  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Building Trust and Credibility

  • Sensitive Content Handling

  • Targeting the Right Audience which includes identifying and effectively targeting the right audience poses a significant challenge for home health care providers in the UAE.


We needed a 360-degree marketing strategy that involved Social Media, Digital Ads, Mobile-first website & landing pages, Google Map Optimization, Search Engine Optimisation with common objectives- Brand Presence, Recall and Quality Leads.

In 2 months, we generated 5000+ Service bookings (leads) for a UAE Home care service provider

Organic presence increased


in the first month itself

What We Did?

SEO & Google map optimization

We created a bucket of keywords based on the lab tests while targeting national & international patients. Our first step was to make the site search engine friendly. To ensure this, we worked on strengthening on-page SEO and made several changes to UI & UX to increase the user experience. These on-page strategies helped the brand increase its organic presence by 150% from the 1st month itself.

Performance Campaign

The objective was to increase the quality of leads for the lab tests so, We created Mobile-First Landing Pages for all the lab tests. Aim was to provide information about the test, packages, and facilities at care on call. User-friendly content helps us to increase the quality of the leads from target locations.

To increase the footfall & appointments in all the clinics we ran their performance & awareness campaign. The major challenge was competition from local Clinics. Overcoming this was our main objective hence we increased the CTR on ad copies and put our ads on top among local players. We created effective search ad copies with callouts & extensions which resulted in higher CTR.

We created Mobile-First Landing Pages with effective Call to action and tracking which increased the lead quality by 40% and reduced the CPL by 67%.

0 Clicks

0 impressions

17.7 k Conversions

dh309k Cost

Campaign Results


Increase in lead quality


Reduction in CPL


Increase in CTR

Social Media Management

Simultaneously across the social platforms, we were consistently working towards increasing the brand presence by positioning Care on call as a Friendly clinic that is obsessed with safety.


There was also a whopping 62% rise in the revenue as more and more leads were driven through paid advertisements.

There was a 75% rise in appointment bookings through their website after the campaign was successfully executed.

Overall Result

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