Online Shopping Trends to Watch Out This Holiday Season!

The upcoming year-end celebrations in India are providing a ray of hope to the Indian people. We’re seeing cautious optimism among consumers as the country rebounds from the second wave of COVID-19.

Every day, we receive hundreds of millions of shopping-related searches, and we’ve noticed three subtle variations in Indian customers’ online activity since last year.

Brands should be aware of three micro-shifts while connecting with India this Christmas season. Weft, an e-commerce website development agency, shares some insights! 

Micro-changes in Indian Shopping Behaviour

In India, there are three major changes in consumer behaviour: Being open to new companies and shopping experiences while also prioritising convenience and relying on honest and relevant content. 

1. They’re open to new ideas, but convenience takes precedence.

The number of internet shoppers in India is rapidly increasing. In 2020, 45 million of the 177 million online shoppers were doing so for the first time. Sixty-five percent of buyers went online to purchase a product they had previously purchased in a store, whereas more than half of Indian consumers purchased from a brand or store they had never visited.

Indian buyers are eager to try new things! 

However, as much as Indian customers are drawn to new items, they still value convenience. More than 70% of consumers say they’re willing to pay more for conveniences like online inventory checks, reliable delivery, and click-and-collect services, and they’re relying on new digital services for conveniences like these. 

2. People value genuine content that is relevant to their needs.

In their effort to learn something or make a decision, Indians seek out valuable and authentic content. More than half of Indian shoppers use video to come up with original ideas and learn more about businesses, products, and services. In addition, 85 percent of people purchased something after watching a YouTube advertisement.

In India, shoppers are also spending more time watching YouTube videos about finance, online shopping, and villas.

Unsurprisingly, online influencers are assisting people in making their next major or small decision.

Shoppers in India are watching more of their favourite content on YouTube! 

Given this shift in behaviour, brands who deliver valuable and engaging content will be able to interact with individuals on a deeper level. Flipkart, India’s own e-commerce portal, used this knowledge to reach out to Indian buyers during The Big Billion Days, one of the country’s most anticipated shopping events.

3. More digital purchasing opportunities are desired 

Customers’ expectations of buying experiences are being influenced by India’s recent inflow of internet shoppers. They want firms that sell both online and offline to function as digital showrooms, offering services like contactless shopping, various payment choices, and free and reliable shipping.

Because of these rising consumer expectations, firms must give more than just deals and tempting offers over the holiday season. They must give shoppers a digital ecosystem that ensures a secure and trustworthy purchasing experience. Payment and shipping are two areas where they can improve the shopping experience.

 Ending Note

India’s life may not be back to normal just yet, but companies can help people over the year-end holiday season. With this data on crucial micro-shifts in shopper behaviour, brands can better plan their year-end holiday marketing strategy with Weft, a digital marketing company in India, and provide a safe digital buying experience for customers in India with this data.